Abrasive Wear in Hard Thin Films Coated Dies in Hot Extrusion Aluminum
https://doi.org/10.29105/qh2.2-135Palabras clave:
Wear, hard coatings, extrusion, nano indentationResumen
Abrasive wear resistance ofhot extrusion AISI H 13 coated dies used to produce extruded aluminum micro multivoid tubes was studied. In this process, aluminum and dies are constantly under high friction conditions producing premature die wear; aluminum or lubricant adherence on die surface !ayer, is caused by this phenomenon with product rejection as a consequence. The hot extrusion dies most important properties are hot hardness, wear resistant and surface finishing. Extrusion dies coated with hard thin film coatings by physical vapor deposition, PVD and chemical vapor deposition, CVD, were utilized and thermal diffusion treatment asan altemative. The thin film coatings mechanical properties, nano indentation, and SEM surface analysis were performed to characterize coatings and dies. The wear mechanism was determined and it is affected by the die contact surface !ayer finished by electropolishing and the dies coated with thermal diffusion treatment was the most resistan! condition to the wearprocess dueto the presence ofV and Nb carbonitrures.
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Derechos de autor 2012 J. Herrera , D. Martínez , J. Rodríguez, R. González

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