Synthesis and crystal structures of a poliaza receptor macrigiland: 1,3-BTS(2-Nitrobenzyldenamino)Propan-2-0L


  • Perla Elizondo Martinez Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León
  • Nancy Perez Rodriguez Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León
  • Cecilia Rodriguez de Barbarin Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León
  • Susana López Cortina Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León
  • Sara Rodríguez de Luna Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León


Palabras clave:

Crystal structures , Receptor Macroligand


The asymmetric unit of the title compound C11H16N,05 , contains one molecule of the compound (L3) (1,3-bis(2-nitrobenzylideneamino )propan-2-ol). The molecule shows a chiral C atom but the absolute structure was not possible to be determined by X-ray diffraction. The molecule shows intermolecular hydrogen bonding involving the hydroxy group and an imine nitrogen atom of a symmetry related molecule.

The molecular distribution shows weak interactions between oxygen atoms of the nitro groups and two different C-H groups of benzene rings. The extended weak H bond formation, using the N02 groups, probably gives a more stable crystal structure. The molecule represents a precursor of a polyaza macrocylic ligands.


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Cómo citar

Elizondo Martinez, P., Perez Rodriguez, N., Rodriguez de Barbarin, C., López Cortina, S., & Rodríguez de Luna, S. (2010). Synthesis and crystal structures of a poliaza receptor macrigiland: 1,3-BTS(2-Nitrobenzyldenamino)Propan-2-0L. Quimica Hoy, 1(1), 5–8.