LOREDO CALDERÓN, E.; MARTÍNEZ LEJÍA , C.; LÓPEZ CORTINA, S.; MUÑOZ FLORES, B.; HERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ , E.; JIMÉNEZ PÉREZ , V. .; CUEVAS YAÑEZ , E. "One pot" Microwave Assisted Synthesis of 5,10,15-Tri(4-Methoxyphenyl)- 20-( 4-Chlorophentyl)-21H,23H-Porphyrin and its Zinc (II) Complex. . Quimica Hoy, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 6–9, 2012. DOI: 10.29105/qh2.2-136. Disponível em: https://quimicahoy.uanl.mx/index.php/r/article/view/136. Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.