Synthesis of High Purity- Sicand- Si 3N4Fromricehulls
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Rice hulls, silicon carbide, silicon nitride,, synthesisResumen
Silicon carbide and silicon nitride were synthesized from ashes obtained by heating rice hulls at 800C for 3 hours in argon. -SiC
was produced from the ashes by reheating them at l 400C for 8 hours in argon, whereas -Si,N, was obtained by heating the ashes at
temperatures ranging from 1250C to l 400C for periods of 3 to 6 hours in a nitrogen rich atmosphere. Toe products were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray and scanning electron microscopy. High purity -SiC and -Si,N, compounds with whisker type morphology were obtained. It was possible to obtain -Si,N, without SiC by heating the ashes for 6 hours at 1250C.
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Derechos de autor 2011 B. Treviño, I. Gómez, R. Colás

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